Daniel Benamouzig

Research Programs
- Knowledge, science, expertise program
- Public policy, transformations of the state program
Daniel Benamouzig’s research interests range from public health to economic policy to institutional governance. He has studied the history of healthcare economics in France, as well as institutional changes in healthcare regulation. He continues to conduct research in the economic sociology and political sociology of healthcare, with special interest in institutional changes and the mobilization of economic knowledge.
Benamouzig directs Sciences Po’s Health programme at the Interdisciplinary Laboratory for the Evaluation of Public Policy (LIEPP-LABEX) and is a scientific adviser for the Global Health section of the Master of Public Affairs at Sciences Po. He runs the PRINCEPS interdisciplinary programme on health crises and security at the Sorbonne Paris Cité University.
Deeply involved with public organizations in the field of health, Benamouzig has acted as an expert on numerous projects in the sector, notably for the French National Authority for Health, the National Institute for Health Statistics, and the National Conference on Health.
He is the author of numerous scientific articles and two books: Economie et sociologie [Economy and Sociology (FR)] (with F. Cusin, PUF 2004), and La santé au miroir de l'économie : une histoire de l'économie de la santé en France [Health in the Light of the Economy: A History of Healthcare Economics in France (FR)] (PUF 2005). He has recently published “Achieving Universal Health Coverage in France: Policy Reforms and the Challenge of Inequalities” (with Nay O., Béjean S., Henri Bergeron, Castel P., and Ventelou B.) in The Lancet, May 2016.
Daniel Benamouzig is Associate Professor at Sciences Po, where he teaches Scientific Humanities and Sociology. He has taught in several other institutions of higher education, including Paris-Sorbonne University, Ecole Nationale des Ponts et Chaussées, Ecole des Hautes Etudes en Santé Publique, Ecole Nationale de Santé Vétérinaire, ESIEE, and Centre d’Etude des Programmes Economiques (ENSAE).
- Cortinas, J. Benamouzig, D., 2020, « Mesurer l’influence ? Une méthode de quantification des activités politiques des entreprises du secteur agroalimentaire en France », Bulletin de méthode sociologique, Vol.147-148, n°1-2. pp. 122-149. HAL Id : hal-03096974, version 1 DOI : 10.1177/0759106320939890
- Benamouzig, D., Borraz, O. « Formalisation des savoirs, organisations et bureaucratie », L’Année sociologique, 2016, vol. 66, n°1, p. 9-30. HAL Id : hal-01465506, version 1 SCIENCESPO : 2441/4fjhc95j4h8d4raj232j4fbr47
- Benamouzig, D. « Professionnalisation académique et engagements partisans des économistes de la santé (1970-1990) » Sociétés contemporaines 2009/01, n° 73, p. 73-95. HAL Id : hal-01400282, version 1 SCIENCESPO : 2441/f0uohitsgqh8dhk97gg26gia2
- Benamouzig,D., Besançon, J. « Administrer un monde incertain : les nouvelles bureaucraties techniques, le cas des agences sanitaires en France », Sociologie du Travail, 2005, vol. 47, n°3, pp. 301- 322. HAL Id : hal-01317290, version 1- DOI : 10.1016/j.soctra.2005.06.001 - SCIENCESPO : 2441/f0uohitsgqh8dhk97gg2i4884
- Benamouzig, D. « Des idées pour l’action publique : instruments ou motifs cognitifs », Halpern, C. Lascoumes, P., Le Galès, P. L’instrumentation de l’action publique, Paris, Presses de Sciences Po, 2014. pp. 95-118. HAL Id : hal-01465508, version 1- SCIENCESPO : 2441/g9f7kht468tjp295l757s00la
Sciences Po (2009 - present)
- Introduction to Sociology (1st year course, since 2015)
- Scientific Humanities, Medicine, Science, and Society (1st year course, since 2014)
- Classical and Contemporary Movements in Sociology (Master of Sociology, since 2009)
Ecole des Hautes Etudes (2008 - present)
- Lecturer in Public Health
ESIEE Management (Engineering and Management school) (2001 - present)
- Lecturer in History of Science and Techniques
- Co-director of Alliance AVIESAN’s Public Health Multi-Organisation Thematic Institute (ITMO SP) (October 2016 - present)
- Member of the National Conference on Health (governmental advisory board, 2015 - present)
- President of the French National Health Authority’s Social Science Committee (2013 - present)
- Member of Alliance ATHENA’s Executive Board, responsible for leading research in the social sciences (2012 - present)
- Elected member of Sciences Po’s Scientific Board (2012 - present)
- Co-director of the Health programme at Sciences Po’s Interdisciplinary Laboratory for the Evaluation of Public Policy (LIEPP)
- Assistant Director of Alliance AVIESAN’s Public Health Multi-Organization Thematic Institute (ITMO SP), responsible for leading research in health and life sciences (2012-2016)
- President of the Nicolas Hulot Foundation’s Health cluster (2012 - 2013)
- President of the Terra Nova Foundation’s Health cluster (2008 - 2013)
Expert activities
- Member of the French Social Security Administration’s History Committee (2007 - present)
- Member of the Council for Strategic Analysis’ (CAS) and the French National Health Authority’s (HAS) Health Economics and Public Health Assessment Commission (2005 - present)
- Member of the National Institute of Health Statistics’ expert committee on Public Interest (2017)
- Member of the French National Cancer Institute’s steering committee for Humanities, Economics, and Social Sciences
Scientific Committees
- Member of the Revue Française des Affaires Sociales Editorial Board
- Member of the Institute for Research and Documentation of Health Economics’ (Irdes) scientific council
- Former member of the scientific committee for the journals Raisons Pratiques (EHESS), Gouvernement et Action Publique (Sciences Po), and Pratiques et Organisations des soins (French National Health Insurance Fund)
- Former member of various specialist commissions and academic selection committees (University Paris Dauphine, Sciences Po, University Paris Descartes, Ecole Nationale Superieure - Cachan)
Habilitation (professorial thesis), Harvard University (guarantor: Daniel Carpenter)
PhD in Sociology, with highest honour, Paris-Sorbonne University (advisor: Raymond Boudon).
Dissertation title: “Essor et développement de l’économie de la santé, une étude de sociologie cognitive” [The Growth and Development of Healthcare Economics: A Cognitive Sociological Study]
Degree, CEPE-Santé (Centre d’Etudes des Programmes Economiques, ENSAE)
Master’s degree in Philosophy, Pantheon-Sorbonne University
Postgraduate certificate in Social Science, Paris-Sorbonne University
Degree, Ecole Supérieure de Commerce de Paris (ESCP)
Research Projects
Last Publications
- Cortinas, Joan and Daniel Benamouzig. 2020. "Mesurer l'influence ? Une méthode de quantification des activités politiques des entreprises du secteur agroalimentaire en France." Bulletin of Sociological Methodology/Bulletin de méthodologie sociologique 147-148:122-149.
- Atlani-Duault, Laëtitia, Daniel Benamouzig and Franck Chauvin. 2020. "France’s COVID-19 response: balancing conflicting public health traditions." The Lancet 396 (25): 219-221.
- Bouchez, Maité, Jeremy Ward , Aurélie Bocquier, Daniel Benamouzig and Verger Pierre. 2020. "Physicians’ decision processes about HPV vaccine: A qualitative study." Vaccine 39 (3): 521-528.
Press Release
- Benamouzig, Daniel and Gael Sliman. 2020. "Tribune : "Dans quel état sort notre système de santé de la crise Covid19 ?"" L' Obs, July. https://www.nouvelobs.com/coronavirus-de-wuhan/20200724.OBS31500/tribune-dans-quel-etat-sort-notre-systeme-de-sante-de-la-crise-du-covid-19.html.
- Benamouzig, Daniel and Gael Sliman. 2020. "Tribune : "Ségur de la santé : n’oublions pas encore une fois la prévention !"" L' Obs, June. https://www.nouvelobs.com/sante/20200623.OBS30385/tribune-segur-de-la-sante-n-oublions-pas-une-fois-encore-la-prevention.html.
- Benamouzig, Daniel, Florence Jusot and Erwann Paul. 2017. "Pour une Complémentaire santé universelle." Le Monde, January.